Worlds Shortest Trans Woman

she/her 💜 bi & poly 💜 artist 💜 console modder 💜 punk girl 💜 witch

Hi my name is Jessie :) I'm a queer woman who likes old sega games, cassettes & minidiscs, tarot & witchcraft, punk rock (mostly queercore) and making things.

I've been recently making patches for my battle jacket (and other parts of a whole outfit) which I have pictures of here.

Recently I also started modding some of my older consoles either to fix original flaws, enhance their capabilites or just for aesthetics. you can find pics of those here

I'm also beginning to get into witchcraft ✨ so far I've been making sigils and reading tarot. Idk how much there is to show so far of this but if I do I will make a page for it in the future 💜

one thing I want to do is make most of this website work on the Dreamcast so hopefully I can say this site is Dreamcast compatable

🏳️‍⚧️ NO TERFS 🏳️‍⚧️

Hosted by Neocities
I was on cohost! Linux the choice of a GNU generation don't feed the ai Spotify, when you love music but hate artists copy that floppy no fucking thanks, with a smiley bonking a bored ape
powered by debian graphics by gimp firefox now KDE now duck duck go
anime girl eyes blinking powered by estrogen sad party queen tranarchy underwear is for losers! ACAB